Monday, July 16, 2012

Double chocolate rolls

I baked these on Saturday. We had the pleasure of expecting friends for several days on a row and I decided that it was the perfect excuse to try out a new recipe. This is from the Leivotaan magazine I mentioned in my last H54F post. These are kind of like cinnamon rolls, but with a chocolate filling instead. My version had about half and half semi-dark chocolate chips and grated white chocolate, the latter which was mixed in with the filling. The recipe called for vanilla sugar but I blissfully forgot to add it, although had some at home. It was delicious even without it.

Double chocolate rolls

20 pieces

150 g / 2/3 cups butter
500 ml / ½ quart milk
50 g / 1 3/4 oz fresh yeast
100 ml / a scant ½ cup sugar
½ tsp salt
1400-1500 ml / 6 - 6 1/3 cups flour


100 g / 3.5 oz butter, at room temperature
200 ml / a scant cup confectioner's sugar
1 tbl vanilla sugar
200 g / approx ½ pound chocolate, grated

For decoration

1 egg
confectioner's sugar
50 g / 1 3/4 oz chocolate, melted

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the milk and heat up to 37 C / 99 F. Crumble the fresh yeast into a bowl. Pour the warm liquid on top and let the yeast dissolve into it. Add the sugar, salt and then the flour little by little. Knead until smooth. Let rise under a cloth for about 40 minutes.

Make the filling. Mix together the butter, confectioner's sugar and vanilla sugar (and I mixed the grated white chocolate). 

Pour the dough into a lightly floured surface and knead. Divide in two. Roll both pieces into a rectangular sheet. Spread the filling on to the sheets (and I sprinkled the chocolate chips on top.) Roll the sheets of dough. Cut both rolls into 10 pieces and place them on a paper covered baking sheet the cutted side up. Let rise under a cloth for about 30 minutes. Set the oven on 200 C / 390 F.

Brush the rolls with egg and bake in the middle of the oven for 15-20 minutes until they gain a nice color.

Let cool. Melt the chocolate. Sieve confectioner's sugar on top of the rolls and decorate with the melted chocolate.

For my Finnish-speaking readers:

Pulla suklaalla & vaniljalla

20 kpl

150 g voita
5 dl maitoa
50 g hiivaa
1 dl sokeria
½ tl suolaa
14-15 dl venhäjauhoja

100 g voita, huoneenlämpöisenä
2 dl tomusokeria
1 rkl vaniljasokeria
200 g tummaa tai vaaleaa suklaata rouhittuna

1 muna
50 g tummaa suklaata sulatettuna

Sulata voi kattilassa. Lisää joukkoon maito ja lämmitä 37-asteiseksi. Murenna hiiva kulhoon. Kaada päälle lämmin neste ja liota hiiva siihen. Lisää sokeri, suola ja vähän kerrallaan jauhot. Alusta taikina tasaiseksi. Anna kohota leivinlinan alla noin 40 minuuttia.

Tee täyte. Sekoita yhteen voi, tomusokeri ja vaniljasokeri (ja minä sekoitin myös valkosuklaamurskan).

Kaada taikina jauhotetulla leivinpöydälle ja alusta. Jaa taikina kahteen osaan. Kauli kumpikin osa suorakaiteen muotoiseksi levyksi. Levitä täyte taikinalevyjen päälle (ja minä ripottelin myös chocolate chipsit). Kääri taikinalevyt rullaksi kääretortun tapaan. Leikkaa molemmat rullat 10 palaksi ja nosta ne leikkauspinta ylöspäin leivinpaperilla päällystetylle uunipellille. Anna kohota leivinliinan alla noin 30 minuuttia. Laita uuni lämpenemään 200 asteeseen.

Voitele pullat munalla ja paista keskitasolla 15-20 minuuttia, kunnes pullat saavat kauniin värin.

Anna jäähtyä. Sulata suklaa. Siivilöi pullien päälle tomusokeria ja kuorruta suklaalla.

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