Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back to School!

Well, not quite just yet, but the school holidays are almost over in Finland. Elementary and secondary as well as high schools usually start their school year by mid-August. That means that after this trip I'm  currently on, I too need to start slowly focusing on the coming school year and start making plans for that. Now that I've been working as a qualified teacher for about a year and a half, and this fall don't have to learn a vast number of new names and pupils either, because I'm continuing in the same school as before summer, all of my energy doesn't go to the really basic things anymore. Last year was a time of change in this respect. I could start focusing on bigger, underlying things a little more. I want to continue in this development and by a lucky chance I remembered a book we did some exercises from in the university. So I went and ordered this book: 

One of the authors gave us a couple of very useful lectures during our pedagogical studies and I thought this book might be a new useful tool in my work. I ordered the book before our trip, so I trust it will be waiting me at home when we're back and I can have time to read and learn before school starts. Hope it turns out to be something I can use to my advantage!